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【来源: | 发布日期:2020-11-09 】













1. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:压舱水中浮游动物群落多样性减少及其对环境因子的响应,2017M611020,主持,已结题

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31272665,海水养殖的敌害生物——玻璃海鞘(Ciona intestinalis)的快速局域适应的遗传机理研究,参与,已结题


1. Yaping Lin, Aibin Zhan*, Marco R. Hernandez, Esteban Paolucci, Hugh J. MacIsaac, Elizabeta Briski. Can chlorination of ballast water reduce biological invasions? Journal of Applied Ecology. 2020,57, 331-343.

2. Nika Stagličić, Tanja Šegvić-Bubić*, Daria Ezgeta-Balić, Dubravka Bojanić Varezić, Leon Grubišić, Luka Žuvić,Yaping Lin, Elizabeta Briski. Distribution patterns of two co-existing oyster species in the northern Adriatic Sea: The native European flat oysterOstrea edulisand the non-native Pacific oysterMagallana gigas.Ecological Indicators. 2020, 113, 106233.

3. Daria Ezgeta-Balić, Ivana Radonić, Dubravka Bojanić Varezić, Barbara Zorica, Jasna Arapov, Nika Stagličić, Slaven Jozić, Melita Peharda, Elizabeta Briski,YapingLin,Tanja Šegvić-Bubić. Reproductive cycle of a non-native oyster,Crassostrea gigas, in the Adriatic Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science. 2020, 21, 146-156.

4. Daria Ezgeta-Balić, Tanja Šegvić-Bubić, Nika Stagličić*,Yaping Lin, Dubravka Bojanić Varezić, Leon Grubišić, Elizabeta Briski. Distribution of non-native Pacific oysterMagallana gigas(Thunberg, 1793) along the eastern Adriatic coast. Acta Adriatica. 2019, 60, 137-146.

5. Yiyong Chen, Noa Shenkar, Ping Ni,Yaping Lin, Shiguo Li, Aibin Zhan*. Rapid microevolution during recent range expansion to harsh environments. BMCEvolutionaryBiology. 2018, 18,187.

6. Ping Ni, Shiguo Li,Yaping Lin, Wei Xiong, Xuena Huang, Aibin Zhan*.Methylation divergence of invasiveCionaascidians: significant population structure and local environmental influence. Ecology and Evolution. 2018, 8, 10272-10287.

7. Yaping Lin, Yiyong Chen, Changho Yi, Jonathan J. Fong, Won Kim, Marc Rius, Aibin Zhan*. Genetic signatures of natural selection in a model invasive ascidian. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7, 44080.

8. Huihui Du,Yaping Lin, Wenli Chen, Peng Cai, Xingmin Rong, Zhi-Hua Shi, Qiaoyun Huang*.Copper adsorption on composites of goethite, cells ofPseudomonas putidaand humic acid. European Journal of Soil Science. 2017, 68, 514-523.

9. Yiyong Chen, Shiguo Li,Yaping Lin, Hongjun Li, Aibin Zhan*.Population genetic patterns of the solitary tunicate,Molgula manhattensis, in invaded Chinese coasts: large-scale homogeneity but fine-scale heterogeneity.Marine Biodiversity. 2017, 1-13.

10. Aibin Zhan*, Ping Ni, Wei Xiong, Yiyong Chen,Yaping Lin, Xuena Huang, Yuzhan Yang, Yangchun Gao.Biological invasions in aquatic ecosystems in China. In: Biological Invasions and Its Management in China (edsFanghao Wan, Mingxing Jiang, Aibin Zhan). 2017, pp. 67-96. Springer.

11. Yaping Lin, Aibin Zhan*.Population genetic structure and identification of loci under selection in the invasive tunicate,Botryllus schlosseri, using newly developed EST-SSRs. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2016, 66, 331-336.

12. Yaping Lin, Yiyong Chen, Wei Xiong, Aibin Zhan*. Genomewide gene-associated microsatellite markers for the model invasive ascidian,Ciona intestinalisspecies complex. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2016, 16, 784-793.

13. Yaping Lin, Zexia Gao, Aibin Zhan*.Introduction and use of non-native species for aquaculture in China: status, risks and management solutions. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2015, 7, 28-58.

14. Ping Ni,Yaping Lin, Yiyong Chen, Haitao Li, Yan Zhao, Aibin Zhan*. Development and characterization of 16 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the highly invasive ascidian,Ciona savignyi.Conservation Genetics Resources. 2015, 7, 207-209.

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