2012.09-2013.02 Wageningen University & Delft University of Technology交换访学
2009.09-2015.07清华大学 环境学院 博士
2005.09-2009.07南京大学 地球科学与工程学院 水科学系 学士
2019.01-至今 金年会体育在线登录 生命与环境科学学院 副教授
2017.09-2018.12金年会体育在线登录 生命与环境科学学院 讲师
2015.09-2017.09清华大学 环境学院 博士后
通信地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街27号 金年会体育在线登录生命与环境科学学院环境科学系
1.Z. Jin, F. Chang, F. Meng, C. Wang, Y. Meng, X. Liu, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Sustainable pyrolytic sludge-char preparation and direct in-situ application: characterization and impact on improvement of closed-loop sewage sludge treatment. Chemosphere. 2017, 184: 1043-1053.
2.Z. Jin, F. Meng, H. Gong, C. Wang, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Improved low-carbon-consuming fouling control in long-term membrane-based sewage pre-concentration: the role of enhanced coagulation process and air backflushing in sustainable sewage treatment. Journal of Membrane Science. 2017, 529: 252-262.
3.Z. Jin, H. Gong, H. Temmink, H. Nie, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Efficient sewage pre-concentration with combined coagulation microfiltration for organic matter recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 292(0): 130-138.
4.Z. Jin, H. Gong, K. Wang. Application of hybrid coagulation microfiltration with air backflushing to direct sewage concentration for organic matter recovery. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 283(0): 824-831.
5.Z. Jin, F. Meng, X. Hu, H. Gong, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Scaling-up for commercial ultrafiltration-based sewage resource recovery towards cleaner production in the wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Cleaner Production. (under review)
6.H. Gong, Z. Jin, H. Xu, Q. Yuan, J. Zuo, J. Wu, K. Wang. Enhanced membrane-based pre-concentration improves wastewater organic matter recovery: Pilot-scale performance and membrane fouling. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 206: 307-314.
7.Q. Wang, R. Yao, Q. Yuan, H. Gong, H. Xu, N. Ali, Z. Jin, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Aerobic granules cultivated with simultaneous feeding/draw mode and low-strength wastewater: Performance and bacterial community analysis. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 261: 232-239.
8.A. S. Giwa, H. Xu, J. Wu, Y. Li, F. Chang, X. Zhang, Z. Jin, B. Huang, K. Wang. Sustainable recycling of residues from the food waste (FW) composting plant via pyrolysis: Thermal characterization and kinetic studies. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 180: 43-49.
9.H. Gong, Z. Jin, H. Xu, Q. Wang, J. Zuo, J. Wu, K. Wang. Redesigning C and N mass flows for energy-neutral wastewater treatment by coagulation adsorption enhanced membrane (CAEM)-based pre-concentration process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 342: 304-309.
10.H. Gong, Z. Li, Z. Jin, H. Xu, K. Wang. Evaluation of direct water reclamation from municipal wastewater by disk tube reverse osmosis membrane (DT-RO) based compact process. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2018, 129:194-200.
11.X. Liu, F. Chang, C. Wang, Z. Jin, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Pyrolysis and subsequent direct combustion of pyrolytic gases for sewage sludge treatment in China. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 128: 464-470.
12.H. Gong, Z. Jin, Q. Wang, J. Zuo, J. Wu, K Wang. Effects of adsorbent cake layer on membrane fouling during hybrid coagulation/adsorption microfiltration for sewage organic recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 317: 751-757.
13.E. A. Odey, K. Wang, Z. Li, R. Gao, E. U. Etokidem, Z. Jin. Optimization of the enhanced membrane coagulation reactor for sewage concentration efficiency and energy recovery. Environmental Technology. 2017: 1-10.
14.H. Gong, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, Z. Jin, C. Wang, L. Zhang, K. Wang. Organics and nitrogen recovery from sewage via membrane-based pre-concentration combined with ion exchange process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 311: 13-19.
15.H. Gong, Z. Jin, X. Wang, K. Wang. Membrane fouling controlled by coagulation/adsorption during direct sewage membrane filtration (DSMF) for organic matter concentration. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 32: 1-7.
16.H. Gong, X. Wang, M. Zheng, Z. Jin, K. Wang. Direct sewage filtration for concentration of organic matters by dynamic membrane. Water Science and Technology: a Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research. 2014, 70(8): 1434-1440.
17.金正宇,郗皓,苑泉,王凯军.进水模式对强化脱氮好氧颗粒污泥培养的影响.中国环境科学. 2018, (03): 935~942
18.金正宇,郑明霞,宫徽,王凯军.新型污水处理沉淀过滤技术研究进展.环境工程, 2014(07):10-15.
19.金正宇,张国臣,王凯军.热解技术资源化处理城市污泥的研究进展.化工进展, 2012(01):1-9.
20.何秋杭,金正宇,宫徽,徐恒,王凯军.基于强化磁分离的市政污水碳源浓缩技术研究,2018, (10): 114~118.
21.苑泉,吴远远,金正宇,袁跃甫,汪翠萍,王凯军.水解酸化对好氧颗粒污泥形成及脱氮除磷的影响.环境科学研究,2018, (02): 360~368.
22.刘梦,伯鑫,孟凡琳,金正宇,王龙飞,于浪,赵晓宏. 2015年中国城镇污水处理厂达标排放评估.环境工程,2017, 35(10): 77-90.
23.王忺,金正宇,宫徽,崔康平,王凯军.强化混凝-吸附预处理生活污水.环境工程学报, 2015(03):1015-1020.
24.宫徽,金正宇,王凯军.混凝/膜过滤过程中泥饼层对膜污染的影响研究.中国给水排水,2014(11): 81-85.
25.王凯军,宫徽,金正宇.未来污水处理技术发展方向的思考与探索.建设科技,2013(02): 36-38,42.