讲师,理学博士(中国科学院植物研究所),访问学者(美国密苏里植物园Missouri Botanical Garden)。中国植物专家组(CPSG)组员;国际经济植物学会(Society for Economic Botany)会员;世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)及物种生存委员会(SSC)会员;联合国开发计划署少数民族领袖研修计划(Indigenous People Fellowship);Ethnobotany Research and Applications编委。
1. 2018年中国国家科学图书馆项目“生物多样性监测数据平台”调研(项目批准号::2018QTKJ012)
2. 2017年中国科学院植物研究所项目“东南亚植物名录的编研”(项目批准号:2017QTSH07)
3. 2017年金年会体育在线登录青年文库项目“山矾科中原氏山矾复合体的分类学修订”
4. 2017年中国博士后基金面上项目“濒危植物棱角山矾遗传多样性及其保护策略”(项目批准号:2017M611041)
5. 2016年中国科学院植物研究所项目“东南亚植物多样性数据库构建”(项目批准号:2016-QT-066)
6. 2015年国家自然科学基金青年项目“中国山矾属(山矾科)的分类学修订”(项目批准号:31400182)
7. 2015年云南红河哈尼族彝族自治州世界遗产管理局项目“云南红河哈尼梯田植物多样性调查“(项目批准号:31400182)
1. Bo Liu, Karl Hammer, Sizhao Liu, Chunlin Long*. The East Asiatic region of crop plant diversity. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (2018). Doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-018-0704-8..
2. Bo Liu, Mei Zhang, Rainer W. Bussmann, Hui-ming Liu, Yingying Liu, Yude Peng, Kuiling Zu, Yimin Zhao, Zhengbo Liu, Shengxiang Yu*.Species richness and conservation gap analysis of karst areas—a case study of vascular plants from Guizhou, China, Global Ecology and Conservation (Accepted)
3. Dongyang Liu†, Hong Cheng†, Rainer W. Bussmann, Zhiyong Guo, Bo Liu* and Chunlin Long*. An ethnobotanical survey of edible fungi in Chuxiong City, Yunnan, China. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14(1):42 (2018).
4. Bo Liu, Xinbo Zhang, Rainer W. Bussmann, Robert. H. Hart, Ping Li, Yujia Bai &Chunlin Long. Garcinia in Southern China: Ethnobotany,Management, and Niche Modeling. Economic Botany 70(4):1-15(2017).
5. Yujia Bai, Jianqin Li,Qiyi Lei, Chunlin Long,Bo Liu*. Potential ornamental plants in Symplocaceae fromChina
6. Bo Liu, Rainer Bussmann, Feifei Li, Jianqin Li, Chunlin Long*. Ethnobotanical approaches of traditional medicine studies in Southwest China: a literature review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology186:343-350 (2016).
7. Bo Liu, Yujing Liu, Jianqin Li, Ronghui Gu, Wujisiguleng, Ping Li, Feifei Li*. Aromatic lichen resources in Guizhou Province, China. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, 3(1): 146: doi: 10.4172/2167-0412.1000146 (2014).
8. Bo Liu, Yujing Liu*, Wujisiguleng Cao, Shuang Zhang, Zhengze Liu, Yanan Ni, Feifei Li. Ethnobotany of Medicinal Aroids in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China. Aroideana 37E(2): 69-78 (2014).
9. Bo Liu, Haining Qin*. Taxonomic Revision of the Symplocosnakaharae (Hayata) Masam. complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51 (1): 94-114 (2013).
10.刘博,饶淇,石敏捷,丁加晴,雷小英,刘东阳.山矾属植物传统利用价值的民族植物学研究.金年会体育在线登录学报(自然科学版), 26(2), 11-19(2017).
11.刘博,白宇佳,胡雪辰,杨芳,丁加晴,石敏捷,秦爱丽.山矾科中原氏山矾复合体的叶形态特征及分类意义.广西植物, 37(11): 1463-1470 (2017).
12.刘博,童毅华,李娟,杨利琴,何兴金.百合科两个分类群学名的订正.广西植物, 37(10): 1335-1338(2017).
13.覃海宁,杨永,董仕勇,何强,贾渝,赵莉娜,于胜祥,刘慧圆,刘博等41人..中国高等植物受威胁物种名录.生物多样性, 25(7), 696-744(2017).(入选“中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文”)
14.覃海宁,赵莉娜,于胜祥,刘慧圆,刘博,夏念和等49人.中国被子植物濒危等级的评估.生物多样性, 25(7), 745-757(2017).
15.谷荣辉,成功,李建钦,刘博*.转基因水稻对土壤性质及土壤生物的影响.云南农业大学学报(自然科学版),29(3): 448-457 (2014).
16.刘博,张水寒,宋志军,刘宇婧,李建钦,洪利亚,龙春林,郭志永*.武陵山区南部药用植物资源调查——以湖南省通道侗族自治县为例.金年会体育在线登录学报(自然科学版), 22(4):39-45 (2013).
17.刘博,周宜君,张淑萍,彭羽,薛堃,成功,沈光涛.民族高校植物学野外实习教学模式的设计与实践—以金年会体育在线登录为例.金年会体育在线登录本科教学研究. 15:272-276 (2016).
1.覃海宁,刘博,何兴金,叶建飞,中国生物物种名录第一卷植物—种子植物III,科学出版社, 88万字, 2017
2.谭策铭,刘博,常见植物分类学拉汉词汇,金年会体育在线登录出版社, 80万字, 2017
3.《中国生物多样性国情研究报告》编写组.中国生物多样性国情研究报告-2.中国环境出版集团, 80万字, 2017
4.高吉喜,薛达元,马克平等. (2018).中国生物多样性国情研究报告.中国环境出版集团, 86万字,2018.
5.龙春林,郭志永,刘博,王业玲,洪利亚,中国民间资源植物与传统知识,科学出版社, 16万字, 2017
6.刘博,林秦文,中国高等植物彩色图鉴,第五卷,科学出版社, 100万字, 2016
7.中国高等植物彩色图鉴编写组(刘博为核心编委之一),中国高等植物彩色图鉴,前言,第I卷, II卷, III卷, IV卷, V卷, VI卷, VII卷,VIII卷, IX卷,科学出版社, 1390.5万字, 2016
8.朱相云,陈之端,刘博,中国生物物种名录第一卷植物—种子植物IV,科学出版社, 88万字, 2015
9.彭羽,刘博,植物学野外实习论文指导,金年会体育在线登录出版社, 10万字, 2014
10.刘博,李振宇,刘冰,林秦文,周口店高等植物名录,李振宇,石雷,王祺主编,周口店遗址植物,北京出版社, 2万字, 2011
Lecturer,Ph. D (Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Postal address: College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, 27 Zhongguancun South Avenue, Haidian district, Beijing 129871, P. R. China
E-mail: boliu@muc.edu.cn
Ethnobotany, Plant Resources, Ethnoecology, Plant Taxonomy, Field practice of Botany, Scientific research method
Research Interests
1.Ethnobotanical investigation and documentation, and evaluation of traditional botanical knowledge
Integrated investigation, documentation and digitization of traditional botanical knowledge, through multidisciplinary approaches including ethnobotany, cultural anthropology, taxonomy, ecology, participatory rural appraisal (PRA); Scientific evaluation for traditional botanical knowledge, traditional genetic resources and ethnotaxa, through the approaches of molecular biology etc.; and impacts of human dimension on plant diversity.
2. Taxonomy of Symplocaceae
By integratingmultidiscipline evidences, including Morphological character, Leaf epidermal micro-morphology, Palynology, Numerical taxonomy and Molecular systematic, to make species delimitation in Symplocaceae, and discuss the infrafamilial and infrageneric classification.
2016 Reproductive characteristics of Mongolian wild poppy and its diversity of Germplasm Resources (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Participant.
2015 Systematics of Symplocaceae in China (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Rank first.
2015Phylogeography and species delimitation of Cotoneaster microphyllus complex (Rosaceae) (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Rank second.
2014 Systematics of Syndiclis Hook. f. (Lauraceae) based on multidiscipline evidence. (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Rank fifth.
2013 Investigation of sweetner plants and analysis of their crude extracts (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Rank second.
2012 Investigation for important industries raw material plant in South and Southeast Guizhou, China (China Ministry of Science and Technology) Rank second.
2012 Reintroduce of endangered medicinal plants to traditional agrosystems in Central Hunan, China (Botanic Gardens Conservation International: BGCI) Rank second.
2011 Documentary and ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Jingxi County, China (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Participant
2011 Taxonomy of Balsaminaceae in China (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Rand fourth.
2010 Edible Plant Diversity and Its Custodians in Traditional Tibetan Agroecosystems in Northwest Yunnan (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Participant
2010 Taxonomy of three complex in BeilschmiediaNees (Lauraceae) (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Rand fourth.
Representative papers
1. Bo Liu, Karl Hammer, Sizhao Liu, Chunlin Long*. The East Asiatic region of crop plant diversity. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (2018). Doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-018-0704-8..
2. Bo Liu, Mei Zhang, Rainer W. Bussmann, Hui-ming Liu, Yingying Liu, Yude Peng, Kuiling Zu, Yimin Zhao, Zhengbo Liu, Shengxiang Yu*.Species richness and conservation gap analysis of karst areas—a case study of vascular plants from Guizhou, China, Global Ecology and Conservation (Accepted)
3. Dongyang Liu†, Hong Cheng†, Rainer W. Bussmann, Zhiyong Guo, Bo Liu* and Chunlin Long*. An ethnobotanical survey of edible fungi in Chuxiong City, Yunnan, China. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14(1):42 (2018).
4. Bo Liu, Xinbo Zhang, Rainer W. Bussmann, Robert. H. Hart, Ping Li, Yujia Bai &Chunlin Long. Garcinia in Southern China: Ethnobotany,Management, and Niche Modeling. Economic Botany 70(4):1-15(2017).
5. Yujia Bai, Jianqin Li, Qiyi Lei, Chunlin Long, Bo Liu*. Potential ornamental plants in Symplocaceae from China
6. Bo Liu, Rainer Bussmann, Feifei Li, Jianqin Li, Chunlin Long*. Ethnobotanical approaches of traditional medicine studies in Southwest China: a literature review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology186:343-350 (2016).
7. Bo Liu, Yujing Liu, Jianqin Li, Ronghui Gu, Wujisiguleng, Ping Li, Feifei Li*. Aromatic lichen resources in Guizhou Province, China. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, 3(1): 146: doi: 10.4172/2167-0412.1000146 (2014).
8. Bo Liu, Yujing Liu*, Wujisiguleng Cao, Shuang Zhang, Zhengze Liu, Yanan Ni, Feifei Li. Ethnobotany of Medicinal Aroids in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China. Aroideana 37E(2): 69-78 (2014).
9. Bo Liu, Haining Qin*. Taxonomic Revision of the Symplocosnakaharae (Hayata) Masam. complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51 (1): 94-114 (2013).