满族, 副教授, 硕士研究生导师,理学博士(北京大学)。
通信地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街27号 金年会体育在线登录生命与环境科学学院
电子邮箱: xuekun@muc.edu.cn
1、 转基因生物安全性评价
2、 以棉花-棉蚜为对象,研究植物-昆虫的相互关系
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金“棉蚜取食行为的影响因子在寄主转化型形成中的作用”
2. 校级自主科研项目“转基因抗虫棉-棉蚜的相互作用及其机制”
3. 金年会体育在线登录教学改革项目“生态学专业动物生物学实验课程体系优化”
1.Xue K, Yang J, Liu B, Xue DY, 2012. The integrated risk assessment of transgenic riceOryza sativa: A comparative proteomics approach. Food Chemistry, 135: 314-318. (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.04.042)
3. Yin HD, Wang XY,Xue K, Huang CH, Wang RJ, Yan FM and Xu CR. 2010. Impacts of transgenic Bt cotton on the stylet penetration behaviors ofBemisia tabacibiotype B: Evidence from laboratory experiments. Insect Science, 17: 344-352.
4.Xue K, Wang XY, Huang CH, Wang RJ, Liu B, Yan FM and Xu CR. 2009. Stylet Penetration Behaviors of Cotton AphidAphis gossypiion TransgenicBtCotton. Insect Science. 16: 137-146.
5. Liu B, Shu C,Xue K, Zhou KX, Li XG, Liu DD, Zheng YP and Xu CR. 2009. The oral toxicity of the transgenic Bt+CpTI cotton pollen to honey bees (Apis mellifera). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 72: 1163-1169.
6. 薛达元, 卢宝荣,薛堃,于文轩,2009. 转基因生物安全与管理. 科学出版社:北京.
7.Xue K,Deng S, Wang RJ, Yan FM and Xu CR. 2008. Leaf surface factors of transgenic Bt cotton associated with the feeding behaviors of cotton aphids: a case study on non-target effect. Science inChinaSeries C: Life Sciences, 51(2):145-156.
8. Jiang JW, Huang CH,Xue Kand Yan FM. 2008. Attraction of face flyMusca autumnalisDe Geer (Diptera: Muscidae) to ornamental plantsEuonymus europaeusandE. kiautschovicus. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 51(12): 1309-1312.
9.Xue K, Zhang WG, 2008. Non-target Effects of Transgenic Plant: Transgenic Bt Cotton. Journal of the CUN (Natural Sciences Edition), 17(S1):40-50.
10.Xue K,Wang X, Yan F and Xu C. 2004. The feeding behaviors of the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) on the Bt cotton. Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress, p275.